I write a lot. But I like doing other things too -- like shooting videos and recording sounds and voices. When I find time, I edit them together to tell stories. That's my favorite part. Sometimes I research and write scripts. These are some things I've worked on:
The New York Times' Daily 360, which publishes a new virtual reality video each day.
Some videos back in grad school...
Co-produced with Katherine Foley in 2015.
Primary role: shooting and editing.
Co-produced with Nicole Lou and Chelsey Coombs in 2015.
Primary role: Research, writing, location scouting, shooting (the boat scenes and interviews) and editing.
A podcast back in grad school...
And an interactive.
A theme of dormancy threads together seemingly unrelated stories told through videos, pictures, podcasts, comic strips, cartoons and written word. Here's a summary.
Published by Scienceline in four chapters over the month of October, 2015.